"4SI Academy" project launched

Nearly 10,000 people who want to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will be able to join more than 700 courses provided by "Coursera" free of charge for a year, within the framework of the pilot project "4SI Academy" (Academy of the Fourth Industrial Revolution).


The "4Sİ Academy" project is launched within the framework of the cooperation of the Analysis and Coordination Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4SIM) under the Ministry of Economy, the Education Development Fund (TIF) under the Ministry of Science and Education, and the US company "Coursera".

"Coursera" is an online education platform where more than 100 million people study and more than 7000 courses are taught. Programs equivalent to bachelor's and master's degrees are also taught on the platform in addition to field courses of about 300 of the world's most prestigious universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Michigan, London. This platform has also career and personal development courses from leading technology giants such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta.

The teaching language is English, and 4SI technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Data Analytics, Blockchain and cloud technologies, programming languages, as well as skills such as leadership, communication, and a total of 89 sub-specialized it will be possible during the program to benefit from about 800 courses covering the category.

The purpose of the project is to develop knowledge and skills in the field of technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the country and to support the training of qualified personnel in this field in the labor market.

Acceptance of applications within the framework of the pilot project will begin on August 23, 2023, and will end on September 7, 2023. About 10,000 selected people will have the opportunity to study free of charge for 6 weeks from educational programs offered by the world's prestigious universities and companies for a year from September 15, 2023.

Those who successfully complete the courses will be awarded with a certificate by the "Coursera" platform according to the program they studied.