Entrepreneurs interested in industrial zones

A total of 10.23 billion manats worth of products have been produced in the industrial zones, of which 3.35 billion manats have been exported.


As per the industrialization policy, entrepreneurs show great interest in the industrial zones created in order to stimulate the development of competitive industry based on innovative and high technologies. 19 business entities were granted resident status in the industrial zones managed by the Economic Zones Development Agency (EZIA) during the 7 months of 2023. It is planned to invest more than 244 million manats and create more than 1500 jobs by the registered residents.

So far, 134 business entities have been granted residency status in industrial zones, and 68 of them have already started operating. The total investment volume is 7.18 billion manats in industrial zones. More than 6.56 billion manats have been invested by entrepreneurs and more than 10,600 permanent jobs have been created. It is planned in the next stage to invest about 690 million manats in addition to the existing projects in the industrial zones, and to create more than 5,200 permanent jobs.

A total of 10.23 billion manats worth of products have been produced in the industrial zones, of which 3.35 billion manats have been exported. It is exported to about 60 countries of the world under the brand name "Made in Azerbaijan". 1.4 billion manat products were sold in the first half of the current year by enterprises operating in industrial zones, of which 33.6% was exported.

31 business subjects with an investment capital of more than 200 million manats have been granted residency and non-residency status in the Aghdam and "Araz Valley Economic Zone" industrial parks created for the purpose of rehabilitation, revitalization and development of the industrial potential of Karabakh. More than 2,000 permanent jobs are expected to be created by these business entities.