II Baku Forum on sustainable finance and investment ongoing

Sessions were held on the 2nd day of the II Baku Forum on sustainable finance and investment on the topics of climate finance and "green" development, investing in biodiversity and investment opportunities in Azerbaijan.

The II Baku Forum on sustainable finance and investment continued with sessions on several topics., A session on climate finance and "green" development to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was held on the 2nd day of the forum. Representatives of a number of foreign institutions and international organizations took part in the event. The main speaker on the topic - Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Umayra Taghiyeva, provided detailed information in the session about Azerbaijan's active participation in the fight against global climate change, measures implemented in our country for the purpose of "green" development. It was pointed out that important projects are being implemented in accordance with "Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for socio-economic development" to increase the use of renewable energy sources and efficient energy technologies in order to ensure a clean environment and "green" growth. The successful cooperation of our country with international organizations and financial institutions, as well as foreign companies, is being expanded in this field.

Within the framework of the forum, the session on "Biodiversity investment framework: from everyday to action" provided information on investment in biodiversity, nature-based solutions, current practices in this field around the world, the importance of continuous financial allocation for the protection and restoration of natural habitats, as well as the importance of promoting sustainable practices.

Information was provided in the session on "Interactive sessions for investors: investment opportunities in the Republic of Azerbaijan" on the measures implemented in the direction of attracting foreign investments in our country and the favorable investment environment created for investors.

Discussions were held in the sessions on renewable energy, decarbonization policy, investments in "green energy", provision of effective financial resources for biodiversity protection, application of "green" financial instruments and other topics, participants' questions were answered.