Presentations held within II Baku Forum on sustainable finance and investment

Presentations were held within the framework of the II Baku Forum on the results of the 18th National SDG goal on Mine Safety and the results of the research on the SDG investor map and investment ecosystem of Azerbaijan.

Presentations were held within the II Baku Forum on sustainable finance and investment. Head of the Department of Sustainable Development and Social Policy of the Ministry of Economy, Secretary of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development Huseyn Huseynov presented the National 18th SDG goal on Mine Safety.

It was reported that President Ilham Aliyev proposed adding demining activities to the 2030 Agenda of the UN as the 18th Sustainable Development Goal at the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement's Contact Group on Combating COVID-19, held in Baku on March 2 of this year. The draft of the 18th National Sustainable Development Goal (Mine Safety Actions) has been prepared in this regard by the Ministry of Economy together with relevant authorities and approved by the National Coordination Council for Sustainable Development. The 18th SDG presented to the local and international community consists of 5 national goals and 15 indicators. These goals are the cleaning of territories, the involvement of land plots in economic activity, raising the standard of living of the population, as well as strengthening the social protection of vulnerable population groups.

​Funda Suzer, head of the Impact Investment Group, representative of the UNDP’s Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (ICPSD), made a presentation on the results of the research on the SDI investor map and investment ecosystem of Azerbaijan. The SDG Investment Map and Investment Ecosystem Research initiatives have been implemented to attract investment to the SDGs. 

It was pointed out that it is very important to involve the private sector along with the public sector in the implementation of the SDG. International and local investors, as well as enterprises and start-ups with the potential to create an impact, have taken a number of measures for this purpose with the support of the Country Representation of the United Nations Development Program. Based on the SDG investor map, 4 sectors in Azerbaijan - infrastructure, alternative energy, service, food and drink - were proposed as the main investment areas.