Another 1000 people started training in "Coursera" within framework of "4SI Academy"

Another 1,000 people started 6-week trainings in "Coursera" within the framework of "4SI Academy". Thus, 3,000 people have benefited from the project so far.

A total of 89 sub-categories, including artificial intelligence, big data (Big Data), machine learning, blockchain and cloud technologies, as well as leadership, communication and English language skills, which are the components of the 4th Industrial Revolution through the Coursera online learning platform and about 800 courses are offered within the framework of joint cooperation with the Fourth Industrial Revolution Analysis and Coordination Center under the Ministry of Economy, the Education Development Fund under the Ministry of Science and Education, and the US company "Coursera" in the "4SI Academy" project.

So far, about 7,000 people have registered to use the platform. 72% of them are employed and 28% are unemployed. The oldest of the applicants is 73 years old, and the youngest is 9 years old. 188 people are members of the family of martyrs, and 116 people are veterans among those who registered. 

Most of the applicants are students, as well as bank and public sector employees.

The priority goal of the "4SI Academy" project is to develop digital skills in the country. About 10,000 people are expected to benefit from the training programs provided by the world's prestigious universities and companies on "Coursera", the leading educational platform of the United States, for a year within the framework of the project. There are currently 125,000 Azerbaijani users on the Coursera platform, which has 129 million online users.