Entrepreneurs rewarded

"Dayag" award was presented by KOBIA to 14 business entities selected for their activities in 2023. 

Taking into account the contribution of entrepreneurs to the country's economy, "Dayag" award has been presented to representatives of the private sector for 2 years. The purpose of the "Dayag" award, founded by the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBIA), is to reward companies that apply innovative and modern approaches in their business and produce export-oriented products and services, as well as to bring the successes of entrepreneurs to the attention of the public, to promote business thinking, to further strengthen the relationship between the public and private sectors. The "Dayag" award, which has a symbolic meaning, is also an indicator that the state always with entrepreneurs.

​An event was held on December 28 with the support of the Ministry of Economy and the organization of KOBIA to present the 2023 "Dayag" award to entrepreneurs. The event, held with the participation of representatives of state institutions, MPs, entrepreneurs, representatives of international organizations, started with the singing of the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a minute's silence in memory of our martyrs who died for our territorial integrity.

Sahil Babayev, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, Sahib Mammadov, Deputy Minister of Economy, Orkhan Mammadov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of KOBIA, Tahir Mirkishili, deputy of the Milli Majlis, head of the parliamentary Economic Policy, Industries and Entreprising Committee and Mammad Musayev, president of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan, made a speech at the event. The successes achieved in the socio-economic field in the private sector in our country during 2023, the role of entrepreneurs in ensuring employment, and innovations in the field of economy and entrepreneurship in the coming years were reported in the speeches.

14 successful entrepreneurs in 2023 were presented with the "Dayag" award at the event, in various nominations by the heads of state institutions. Entrepreneurs were awarded in the nominations of successful business activities in the territories liberated from occupation - “A successful manufacturer”, “Disability is not a limitation”, “Tourism”, “Active foreign company”, “Active exporting company”, “Clean environment and green growth”, “Successful farmer”, Active marketing activity under the "Made in Azerbaijan" brand, “Young entrepreneur”, “Successful female entrepreneur”, “A successful business in promoting the creative industry”, “A successful children's business education project”.

Therefore, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population was awarded by KOBIA in the nominations "Effective support of Karabakh SMEs", and the State Customs Committee was awarded in the nominations "Effective organization of G2B services".

Grant awards were presented within the framework of the event to 19 winners of the 4th grant competition announced by KOBIA in order to finance the projects of SMEs in the fields of education, science, research and support.

​ The event ended with a cultural program. 

The event was held with the support of "Kapital Bank", Association of Small and Medium Business Entities and Clubs (KOBSKA), "Development Corporation", "Green Stream" and "BEK Gererator".  

Note: Entrepreneurs, who are the locomotive of economic development, have a great role in ensuring stable and sustainable economic development and employment. Currently, the share of the private sector in GDP in Azerbaijan is close to 86%, and 78% in employment. The absolute majority of businesses operating in Azerbaijan - 99.6% - are micro, small and medium business subjects as in most countries. The number of SME subjects has increased by more than 54% and reached 378 thousand in the last 5 years since 2018, when the new classification criteria of SME subjects were applied, as well as when KOBIA began to operate. The share of SMEs in non-oil GDP increased from 23.5% to 27.2% during this period.