State Service on Property Issues under Ministry of Economy held press conference on results of 2023

147.3 million manats were received in the state budget last year from privatization and leasing. Ownership rights over more than 477,000 real estate objects were state registered in 2023.

The State Service on Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy held a press conference dedicated to the results of 2023. The head of the State Service, Metin Eynullayev, reported on the work done during the past year and the measures planned for 2024. Making a speech about the successful economic reforms carried out in our country, Matin Eynullayev mentioned that the State Service on Property Issues prioritized the relevant implementation of measures related to the management and privatization of state property, real estate registration and cadastre, land management and other areas, as well as the restoration and construction of liberated territories. The State Service has continued measures over the past year to improve property relations, electronic services, further increase transparency, and increase citizen satisfaction.

The Service received 1.2 million electronic applications in 2023 for public services from citizens, legal and natural persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities, municipalities, and state institutions. In general, the number of applications received during this period is close to 3 million.

The wide opportunities created for participation in the privatization of state property are aimed at speeding up the process and attracting investments. 903 state properties were privatized during the reporting period.

About 10.4 million manats were invested in the privatized enterprises through investment competitions, including the privatized enterprises whose implementation of the investment program continues in 2023, 12.2 million manats were paid to the state budget, and 221 new jobs were created in those enterprises.

115.9 million manats were received last year in the state budget without privatization, and the implementation of the budget forecast was ensured by 105.4 percent.

High results were also achieved in the field of leasing state property. Thus, 3,572 new lease contracts were concluded in 2023, of which 857 are non-residential, and 2,715 are related to land. Revenues from the lease of real state property to the state budget last year amounted to 31.3 million manats. This is 6.4 million manats or 26% more than in 2022.

Information was also given at the press conference on the work done in the direction of real estate registration, simplification of procedures in this area and expansion of the scope, improvement of the normative legal framework. It was emphasized that the implementation of the Decree of the head of state dated June 14, 2023 "On additional measures regarding the authorization of the operation of some non-residential construction objects" is being continued. This Decree is an important step towards solving the problem of self-constructed non-residential buildings. 3945 land development plans have been prepared and submitted accordingly since the beginning of the implementation of the decree. An extract from the state register was issued to 163 non-residential facilities for which an operation permit was obtained.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On some issues of regulation of land relations" dated October 7, 2021, 45,589 families have been provided with extracts to date. Work is also underway to implement the Decree of the Head of State “On the formalization of rights over the apartments of residential houses and multi-apartment residential buildings built at the expense of state funds regarding the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, man-made accidents and military operations that occurred in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as on the regulation of some issues related to the land plots on which they are located” dated April 7, 2022. So, ownership rights on 2,684 real estates have already been registered with the state.

In general, the highest indicator was recorded in 2023, compared to previous years, in the field of real estate registration across the country. Thus, ownership rights on more than 477,000 real estate objects were state registered in 2023, which is 25% more than in 2022.

It was pointed out that the reforms carried out in the fields of privatization and state property management, real estate cadastre and state registration of rights and strategic goals determined according to modern challenges created the need to improve legislation.

The prepared draft law "On the single state cadastre and real estate registration" includes the integration of the real estate cadastre and the real estate register into a single information system, complete electronicization of the receipt and issuance of documents, the introduction of a single technical document on real estate - the cadastral passport, and other issues.

Progressive provisions such as using new privatization methods in the draft law on privatization and state property management, application of public-private partnership models in the process of privatization, expansion of the circle of potential buyers, offering enterprises to investors by regulating the debt problem were included, and more space was allocated to the issues of pre-privatization rehabilitation and post-privatization support.

Media representatives were also informed about the work done in the territories liberated from occupation. It was reported that earthworks were carried out on an area of 419,000 hectares, field soil research was carried out on an area of 452,000 hectares, and field geobotanical research was carried out on an area of 212,000 hectares during 2023. New functionalities have been added to the Karabakh Digital Geoinformation System created for the purpose of collecting data in a reliable and centralized electronic environment. Currently, 36 state institutions are connected to the system.

The questions of the media representatives were answered at the end of the event.