Meeting held with president of the Islamic Development Bank Group

  • IDB has so far invested nearly 1 billion US dollars in Azerbaijan's economy within the framework of 18 projects.
  • IDB will continue to take an active part in the projects implemented in Azerbaijan.
  • Proposed to expand cooperation with the IDB in the field of restoration of our territories liberated from occupation.

The delegation headed by the president of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group Muhammad Suleiman Al-Jasiri, visiting our country, paid tribute to the memory of the national leader of our people Heydar Aliyev in the Alley of Honor, laid a wreath at the monument. The delegation arrived at the Alley of Martyrs laid a wreath in front of the "Eternal Torch" monument, commemorating the memory of the heroic children of the Motherland who died in the struggle for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

The President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, Muhammad Suleyman Al-Jasiri, met with the Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Mikayil Jabbarov within the framework of the visit.

The Minister of Economy emphasized that the Islamic Development Bank of Azerbaijan attaches importance to relations with the institutions included in the IDB Group, and the Bank's support to our country in the direction of the development of the private sector is highly appreciated. It was noted that IDB has so far invested about 1 billion US dollars in the economy of Azerbaijan within 18 projects. The Minister noted that Azerbaijan is interested in expanding relations with the Islamic Development Bank, opportunities for cooperation in the field of restoration of our territories liberated from occupation, as well as the importance of supporting projects related to the creation of a sustainable infrastructure network in these territories.

Partnership with Small and Medium Business Development Agency, Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIF) and "Azerbaijan Investment Company" OJSC, attraction of the Bank's funds to the SME Investment Fund, expansion of cooperation with IDB in projects aimed at the development of Azerbaijan and the region through the application of digital economy and technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution opportunities were discussed and suggestions have been made at the meeting.

President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, Mohammad Suleiman Al-Jasiri, emphasized that the economic reforms carried out in our country are supported by the IDB and he shared his views on the directions of development of relations. Mohammad Suleyman Al-Jasiri pointed out that IDB will continue to actively participate in the projects implemented in Azerbaijan.

The parties discussed the strengthening of partnership in the economic and financial spheres, expanding cooperation in priority areas and other issues of mutual interest.